Send Viber messages



Viber endpoint makes the IM sendout convenient offering bulk messages transmission with a SMS fallback capability

Endpoint URL

curl example

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "apitoken": "7ace3e49cae13ae4f5ccb8a6a8a0d6a8fe120aa82ae46ad6ee4c9d8",
  "senderid": "",
  "sms_text": "my SMS text 2",
  "pricecat": 1,
  "im_type": "IM_SMSFB",
  "im_sender_name": "my viber sender name",
  "im_text": "1546 - This is a test Viber msg",
  "im_image_urls": [ "" ],
  "im_actions": [{ "caption": "Visit Us", "url": "" }],
  "destinations": [

JSON Object variables


string a unique hash code for each account that authorizes each web request. That code you can find it on your account’s page


string there are 2 options. IM for excplicit Viber sendout and IM_SMSFB in case you want to send a Viber message and if that number is invalid, then an SMS will be sent with an alternative body text (fallback option)


string the sender name of the Viber message (this will be defined and be enabled by us)


string The Viber message (max 1000 characters)


array of string an array of string that holds the cell numbers


(optional) - array of string an array of strings that holds the images to be included with Viber message

(WARNING!) - only one image is permited

(optional) - array of object an array of objects with actions to be included on message. Every object has 2 properties.
i) caption: which is the text that will be displayed in action’s button and
ii) url: that holds the url of the action (when the recipient taps the action’s button he will be redirected to this ur - opened in phone’s browser).

(WARNING!) - Only one action is also permited for Viber


(optional) - string if you defined IM_SMSFB as im_type, then you must set this option for SMS sender name


(optional) - integer (same as above) it is the price category for SMS. 0 or nothing for normal and 1 for low cost


(optional) - string (same as above) the text of the fallback SMS

JSON object example (No SMS fallback)

  "apitoken": "7ace3e49cae13ae4f5ccb8a6a8a0d6a8fe120aa82ae46ad6ee4c9d8",
  "im_type": "IM",
  "im_sender_name": "my viber sender name",
  "im_text": "1546 - This is a test Viber msg",
  "im_image_urls": [ "" ],
  "im_actions": [{ "caption": "Visit Us", "url": "" }],
  "destinations": [

JSON object example (With SMS fallback)

  "apitoken": "7ace3e49cae13ae4f5ccb8a6a8a0d6a8fe120aa82ae46ad6ee4c9d8",
  "senderid": "",
  "sms_text": "my SMS text 2",
  "pricecat": 1,
  "im_type": "IM_SMSFB",
  "im_sender_name": "my viber sender name",
  "im_text": "1546 - This is a test Viber msg",
  "im_image_urls": [ "" ],
  "im_actions": [{ "caption": "Visit Us", "url": "" }],
  "destinations": [

Error Response

In case of error, we got something like the following:

    "success": false,
    "OperationErrors": [
            "errorCode": 56,
            "errorMessage": "Sender id for IM is not approved",
            "SMSErrorType": 4,
            "valueOfError": ""
    "SubmissionID": 0,
    "data": null

Successful Response

    "success": true,
    "OperationErrors": null,
    "SubmissionID": 0,
    "data": [

Response properties




when false, then no message sent and the whole request is considered failed


when success is false, we get an array of objects with errors.
Each object has 3 properties:
errorCode: the error code (integer) of the error,
errorMessage: the descriptive text of the error and
valueOfError: the value that caused the error (for debugging purposes)


in case of success, web-service is returning an array ob objects -
one for each destination, having 2 properties:
destination: the cell’s number and
smsid: the unique id of the SMS