Old API (obsolete)

1. Send SMS
1.1 Description
We maintain the old http api for backwards compatibility (there are no improvements on this api), because Liveall.eu has an ecosystem of 3rd party applications-sites that may not switched to our new API yet.
All newcomers to the service cannot use that API. They must use newer versions of API
1.2 Endpoint URL
1.3 curl example
curl --location --request GET 'https://www.liveall.eu/webservice/sms/sendSMSHTTP.php' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'username=myusername' \
--data-urlencode 'password=mypass' \
--data-urlencode 'destination=306912345678' \
--data-urlencode 'sender=mySender' \
--data-urlencode 'message=This is a test message from me!'
1.4 Variables
- username
the username- password
the password- destination
the destination cell number (must not contain leading characters+
). If you want to send to multiple destinations, then separate numbers with the character.
- sender
the sender name of the SMS. There is a limit to 11 characters (latin characters).- message
the SMS text- pricecat
(optional) - unsigned integer
by defining this parameter you can send with low-cost (if you set 1 to it) instead of sending with the default normal cost (where applicable)
1.5 Error Response
In case of error, we get one of the following responses:
Error: 1001 - No username given.
Error: 1002 - No password given.
Error: 1003 - No destination number given.
Error: 1004 - Unknown destination error.
Error: 1005 - Invalid destination number.
Error: 1006 - Alphanumeric sender address is longer than accepted.
Error: 1007 - Numeric sender address is longer than accepted.
Error: 1008 - No sender name or number given.
Error: 1009 - Message contains invalid character.
Error: 1010 - Error sending SMS - Gateway call error.
Error: 1011 - Greek numbers must have 12 digits (including country code).
Error: 1011 - There is no SMS text given.
Error: 1012 - User authendication failure. Username and/or password mismatch.
Error: 1013 - Not available credits for user.
Error: 1014 - Given user id mismatch.
Error: 1015 - Unknown error with sender.
Error: 1016 - Not enough alphanumeric characters on sender address. Required
Error: 1017 - Destination number(s) not supported.
Error: 1018 - Not enough credits when sending sms to that destination.
Error: 1019 - Error inserting row on transactions table. Aborting
Error: 1020 - Error With sms charge on this destination.
Error: 1021 - Invalid characters on sender address.
Status: 1022 - Awaiting cost confirmation. SMS did't sent yet.
Status: 1023 - Not enough credits left for SMS postage.
Status: 1024 - Error validating Sms.
Status: 1025 - Error while checking balance of user.
Status: 1026 - Batch of SMS queued and is about to be transmited.
Error: 1027 - No SMS ID given.
Error: 1028 - No valid parameters given.
Error: 1029 - The allowed length of sms is no more than 612 characters (4 SMS).
Error: 1031 - The SMS Service is temporary unavailable. Try again in a few minutes.
Error: 1032 - Error submiting SMS. Please try again a bit more later.
Error: 1033 - Not enough balance on your account to make HLR lookup. Please buy credits.
Error: 1036 - The sender name you have provided is not allowed.
Error: 1038 - User is disabled
Error: 1039 - HLR, Invalid number(s) provided
Error: 1040 - No HLR ID given.
Error: 1041 - DBID for HLR query not found
Error: 1042 - Api token not provided
Error: 1043 - Internal error
1.6 Successful Response
On a successful SMS submit, you get the following result:
OK ID:<SMS_HTTP_request_ID>
where SMS_HTTP_request_ID
is the SMS id of your SMS web-request
Example results
OK ID:1234
when sending to a single cell number, or OK ID:1234|OK ID:1235|OK ID:1236
when sending to more than one destination.
2. Check the status of SMS
2.1 Description
By calling the above end-point you can check the status of SMS previously sent by our platform
2.2 Endpoint URL
2.3 curl example
curl --location --request GET 'https://www.liveall.eu/webservice/sms/getSMSStatus.php' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'username=myusername' \
--data-urlencode 'password=mypass' \
--data-urlencode 'SMSId=1111'
2.4 Variables
- username
the username- password
the password- SMSId
unsigned integer
the SMS id we have been returned by web-service, on message’s submission
2.5 Error Response
Possible results for above end-point are, in case of error:
Error: 1012 - User authendication failure. Username and/or password mismatch.
Error: 1027 - No SMS ID given.
Error: 1028 - No valid parameters given.
2.6 Successful Response
On a successful response we get the following result:
<SMSId>:<Submtited On>:<Destination number>:<Delivered On>:<Status number>:<Quantity of SMS>:<Charge amount>
Example result
2.7 Response properties
Name |
Description |
SMSId [Integer] |
the SMS ID |
Submited On [String] |
datetime of SMS submit. Date format is:
YYYYMMDDHHmmSS [YYYY:year, MM:month 00~12, DD:day of month 00~31,
HH:hour 00~24, mm:minutes 00~59, SS:seconds 00~59]
Destination number [String] |
the phone number |
Delivered On [String] |
datetime of last SMS status. Date format is:
YYYYMMDDHHmmSS [YYYY:year, MM:month 00~12, DD:day of month 00~31,
HH:hour 00~24, mm:minutes 00~59, SS:seconds 00~59]
Status number [Integer] |
the status code. 2.8 Possible SMS statuses |
Quantity of SMS [Integer] |
the quantity of SMS needed to send the message |
Charge amount [float] |
the charged amount |
2.8 Possible SMS statuses
1: Queued
2: Queued on SMSC
4: Waiting Validation
8: Unknown subscriber
16: Temporary unavailable
32: Pending
64: Undelivered
128: Expired
256: Non-Delivered to SMSC
512: Error
1024: Unknown error
2048: Delivered
16384: HLR Sent
32768: HLR Completed
3. Check the current balance of messaging account
3.1 Description
This endpoint fetches the current balance of the account
3.2 Endpoint URL
3.3 curl example
curl --location --request GET 'https://www.liveall.eu/webservice/sms/getAccountBalance.php' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'username=myusername' \
--data-urlencode 'password=mypass' \
--data-urlencode 'countryprefix=30'
3.4 Variables
- username
the username- password
the password- countryprefix
(optional) string
an optional country code. If you provide that, you will get the available SMS count, based on the price of the provided country (normal & low cost)
3.5 Error Response
Possible results for above end-point are, in case of error:
Error: 1001 - No username given.
Error: 1002 - No password given.
3.6 Successful Response
On a successful response we get the following result:
Status: 1000 - Balance:BalanceInEuro|SmsRemainCount:RemainingSMSCount
BalanceInEuro |
is the request’s error code as shown below |
RemainingSMSCount |
is the error message, describing the problem with the request |