Extract message log for a date

This endpoint extract the messages log for a specific date in a string format (csv)
Endpoint URL
curl example
curl --location --request POST 'https://sms.liveall.eu/apiext/Sendout/GetSMSHistory' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'apitoken=7ace3e49cae13ae4f5ccb8a6a8a0d6a8fe120aa82ae46ad6ee4c9d8' \
--data-urlencode 'submit_date=20210524'
Form parameters
- apitoken
a unique hash code for each account that authorizes each web request. That code you can find it on your account’s page- submit_date
we define the date we want to extract the messages log. The date format must be in a form of: yyyyMMddwhere yyyy is the 4 digit year numeberMM the 2 digit month numberdd the date of the monthFor instance, if we need to get the log for 24 of May 2021, then string value would be:20210524
- timezone_offset
(optional) - integer
this is your timezone value based on UTC. you have to specify it if you’are not in the same timezone as Athens/Greece.Bear in mind that,GMT is not UTC
- (GMT: Greenwich Mean Time, UTC: Coordinated Universal Time), because on winter time, GMT is +0 and on summer time is +1.So for example if you’re in Rome and your computer has winter time you must define 1 and on summer 2.Accordingly, if you’re in New York, on winter you enter -5 and on summer -4- senderid
(optional filter) - string
Filter results based on the sender_id- destination
(optional filter) - string
Filter results based on the destination(s) number- sms_id
(optional filter) - integer
Filter results based on the SMS id- batch_id
(optional filter) - integer
Filter results based on the batch id- gt_sms_id
(optional filter) - integer
Filter, gets rows with SMS id greater than the value specified. Suppose there are results with SMS id (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and we define 2, then we will get the rows (3, 4, 5)
Error Response
There are 2 cases of error:
Validation issue, which service will reply with
Error: <Error code> - <Error message>
<Error code> |
is the request’s error code as shown below |
<Error message> |
is the error message, describing the problem with the request |
Internal error
In that case, service will return http status: 500 as descibed here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes#5xx_Server_errors
Successful Response
In case of success, we will have a string response with so many lines as the rows found. If no row found, then we will get an empty string.
Lines are delimited with character \n
. Below is an example of a successful response with 2 rows found:
Below are the descriptions of each field of the above example response:
sms id
batch id
sender id
recipient’s phone number
Last status datetime, in Unixtime - You can check the value here: Online epoch converter
SMS Status string value - Possible values are here: